Delivery and installation of spare parts to ship engines and engines    ●   the ship electroradionavigating equipment and a communication facility    ●   desalters ship    ●   the ship electromechanical equipment    ●   the rescue equipment    ●   installation, installation and examination, registration in the Sea Register  





 russian version


<<Communication facility and the electroradionavigating equipment



All resulted equipment is provisional, steals up and established according to individual needs of the customer


Intraship communication and translation




Command Talk-Back System Commander 1500 MKI/MKV/MKIV
are used as the command transmitting device and system of service internal communication

Public Address System Type 6700
Meets the requirements, shown to command transmitting devices



Telephone System is Programmed modular system - ship automatic telephone exchange


The antifog bell and gong - is established on courts for submission of sound signals




Sound Signal Surveillance System Type 19040
It is intended for installation on courts of type " One watchman on the bridge " for the acoustical control of sound signals over the running bridge.







Designed by BAKU1

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